Stem cells found in newborn’s umbilical cord have the capability of renewing and regenerating themselves. Through mitosis process, stem cell is capable of dividing itself to become either a specialized cell such as muscle cell or brain cell or simply remains as a stem cell. In addition to that, they are capable of repairing internal damaged that is brought by any kind of disease, trauma or disorder.
There are various ways of how these cells are used to cure various disorders and illnesses such as stem cell transplantation and stem cell grafting as well as regenerative medicine.
As a matter of fact, there are many applications for regenerative medicine at which also includes wide range of scientific disciplines like biochemistry, immunology, genetics and molecular biology. Scientists from these fields have been so thorough in doing studies and research and discovered three powerful ways on how they can make the most of regenerative medicine. If you want to learn more about these methods, then I strongly suggest that you keep on reading.
Cellular therapy at – with regards for this method, cellular materials are mostly adult stem cells and what’s done here is, it’s extracted, stored and injected to damaged tissues or injured area. Thereafter, what these cells do is repairing the damaged cells or regenerating new cells in order to replace damaged ones.
Tissue engineering – for this approach, it is based on the development of biomaterials and using combinations of perfectly functioning cells, tissues as well as scaffolds to be able to engineer a perfectly working organ. What happens next is, it would be implanted to the receiver as replacement of the damaged tissue or organ. For more facts about health, visit this website at
Artificial organs and medical devices – if an organ failed, replacing it with a donor organ is the most common treatment suggested. Donor organs are not that easy to find and it may even pose hindrance in these circumstances. And even if there’s an available donor, the donor still have to take immunosuppressant drugs before commencing with the transplant.
Because of the fact that regenerative medicine is more about stem cells, this is demanding embryonic stem cells that are mostly intended for research purposes. The utilization of embryonic stem cells could give rise to questions regarding to legality and ethics.
Both regulations and laws concerning regenerative medicine will vary in different countries. There are only three countries that legally allow the making of human embryos for research purposes. On the other hand, most countries are only permitting the extraction of cells from surplus of IVF embryos. Regardless, regenerative medicine is a promising development in the field of medicine.